Chris Nelson, a software developer from Cincinnati, Ohio, presented an overview of the MeteorJS framework at the Angular JS meetup. The presentation was held at the DevBootCamp in Chicago. Chris has been developing web applications for about 15 years and helped found Gaslight, a collaborative workspace for developers and designers.
Meteor.js is an Javascript open source framework designed to ease the creation of applications. It, along with Angular.Js, have been receiving attention on the web as developers continue to experiment with Javascript frameworks. Developers are discovering proven value from these frameworks.
With respect to Meteor, its best feature is the capability to refresh in the browser as soon as developers modify the code. This decreased latency makes updates easier, and makes Meteor capable to operate as a completed standalone app.
Meteor's underpinnings are based on Node.js, and include a lite version of MongoDB database. This structure forms the basis behind data on the wire description and fast code updates at the browser. Chris indeed notes this, along with the potential to eliminate overhead, when covering the 7 principle advantages that Meteor provides. He also goes on to explain the application structure.
The videos are a bit older than this post, but robust growth of the development around Meteor continues. Just recently, the main development community supporting Meteor introduced Galaxy, a cloud-hosting solution for Meteor applications.
You can learn more about MeteorJS at the main site for the framework. In the meantime, enjoy these video segments (and excuse a bit of shakiness in the recording).